Flexiv RDK APIs  1.6.0
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CRobotInfoGeneral information about the connected robot
 CRobotStatesData structure containing the joint- and Cartesian-space robot states
 CPlanInfoData structure containing information of the on-going primitive/plan
 CJPosData structure representing the customized data type "JPOS" in Flexiv Elements
 CCoordData structure representing the customized data type "COORD" in Flexiv Elements
 CDeviceInterface with the robot device(s)
 CFileIOInterface for file transfer with the robot. The robot must be put into IDLE mode when transferring files
 CGripperParamsData structure containing the gripper parameters
 CGripperStatesData structure containing the gripper states
 CGripperInterface with the robot gripper. Because gripper is also a type of device, this API uses the same underlying infrastructure as rdk::Device, but with functions tailored specifically for gripper controls
 CMaintenanceInterface to carry out robot maintenance operations. The robot must be in IDLE mode when triggering any operations
 CModelInterface to access certain robot kinematics and dynamics data
 CRobotMain interface with the robot, containing several function categories and background services
 CSafetyLimitsData structure containing configurable robot safety limits
 CSafetyInterface to change robot safety settings. The robot must be in IDLE mode when applying any changes. A password is required to authenticate this interface
 CSchedulerReal-time scheduler that can simultaneously run multiple periodic tasks. Parameters for each task are configured independently
 CToolParamsData structure containing robot tool parameters
 CToolInterface to online update and interact with the robot tools. All updates will take effect immediately without a power cycle. However, the robot must be in IDLE mode when applying changes
 CWorkCoordInterface to online update and interact with the robot's work coordinates. All updates will take effect immediately without a power cycle. However, the robot must be in IDLE mode when applying changes