Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
▼Nflexiv | |
▼Nrdk | |
CRobotInfo | General information about the connected robot |
CRobotStates | Data structure containing the joint- and Cartesian-space robot states |
CPlanInfo | Data structure containing information of the on-going primitive/plan |
CJPos | Data structure representing the customized data type "JPOS" in Flexiv Elements |
CCoord | Data structure representing the customized data type "COORD" in Flexiv Elements |
CDevice | Interface with the robot device(s) |
CFileIO | Interface for file transfer with the robot. The robot must be put into IDLE mode when transferring files |
CGripperParams | Data structure containing the gripper parameters |
CGripperStates | Data structure containing the gripper states |
CGripper | Interface with the robot gripper. Because gripper is also a type of device, this API uses the same underlying infrastructure as rdk::Device, but with functions tailored specifically for gripper controls |
CMaintenance | Interface to carry out robot maintenance operations. The robot must be in IDLE mode when triggering any operations |
CModel | Interface to access certain robot kinematics and dynamics data |
CRobot | Main interface with the robot, containing several function categories and background services |
CSafetyLimits | Data structure containing configurable robot safety limits |
CSafety | Interface to change robot safety settings. The robot must be in IDLE mode when applying any changes. A password is required to authenticate this interface |
CScheduler | Real-time scheduler that can simultaneously run multiple periodic tasks. Parameters for each task are configured independently |
CToolParams | Data structure containing robot tool parameters |
CTool | Interface to online update and interact with the robot tools. All updates will take effect immediately without a power cycle. However, the robot must be in IDLE mode when applying changes |
CWorkCoord | Interface to online update and interact with the robot's work coordinates. All updates will take effect immediately without a power cycle. However, the robot must be in IDLE mode when applying changes |