ROS 2 Bridge

For ROS 2 users to easily work with RDK, the APIs of RDK are wrapped into ROS packages in the [flexiv_ros2] repository. Key functionalities like joint torque and position control are supported, and the integration with ros2_control framework and MoveIt! 2 is also implemented.


Supported OS

Supported ROS 2 distribution

Ubuntu 20.04

Foxy Fitzroy

Ubuntu 22.04

Humble Hawksbill


flexiv_ros2 contains the following packages:




Launch and run-time configurations for controllers and demos.


Implementation of custom controllers.


Robot URDF and mesh files.


Implementation of the action server for Flexiv gripper control.


Hardware interface between Flexiv robots and ros2_control framework.


MoveIt configuration for Flexiv robots.


Definition of messages used in RDK.


Demo nodes and examples.

More details can be found in section Packages.

Environment setup


The following instructions are for ROS 2 Humble. For ROS 2 Foxy, please replace foxy with humble in the commands, and clone the foxy branch of [flexiv_ros2].

  1. Install ROS 2 Humble via Debian Packages (ros-humble-desktop)

  2. Install additional packages:

    sudo apt install -y \
    python3-colcon-common-extensions \
    python3-rosdep2 \
    libeigen3-dev \
    ros-humble-xacro \
    ros-humble-tinyxml2-vendor \
    ros-humble-ros2-control \
    ros-humble-realtime-tools \
    ros-humble-control-toolbox \
    ros-humble-moveit \
    ros-humble-ros2-controllers \
    ros-humble-test-msgs \
    ros-humble-joint-state-publisher \
    ros-humble-joint-state-publisher-gui \
    ros-humble-robot-state-publisher \
  3. Create a ROS 2 workspace and clone flexiv_ros2:

    mkdir -p ~/flexiv_ros2_ws/src
    cd ~/flexiv_ros2_ws/src
    git clone
    cd flexiv_ros2/
    git submodule update --init --recursive
  4. Install dependencies:

    cd ~/flexiv_ros2_ws
    rosdep update
    rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro humble -r -y
  5. Compile flexiv_rdk library and install to the ~/rdk_install directory:

    cd ~/flexiv_ros2_ws/src/flexiv_ros2/flexiv_hardware/rdk/thirdparty
    bash ~/rdk_install
    cd ~/flexiv_ros2_ws/src/flexiv_ros2/flexiv_hardware/rdk
    mkdir build && cd build
    cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/rdk_install
    cmake --build . --target install --config Release
  6. Build and source the workspace:

    cd ~/flexiv_ros2_ws
    source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash
    colcon build --symlink-install --cmake-args -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=~/rdk_install
    source install/setup.bash


Whenever a new Terminal is opened, the ROS 2 Humble environment and flexiv_ros2 workspace must be sourced before running any ROS 2 commands:

source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash
source ~/flexiv_ros2_ws/install/setup.bash


Below are detailed descriptions of all available packages, whose structure is based on that of ros2_control_demos.


This package contains launch files: the main driver launcher, the MoveIt launch file and demo examples. To run the main launcher:

ros2 launch flexiv_bringup robot_sn:=[robot_sn]


The required arguments for the launch file is:
  • robot_sn: the serial number of the robot. Remove any space, for example: Rizon4s-123456

To show all available arguments, run ros2 launch flexiv_bringup --show-args.

It will establish connection with the robot server, load the default rizon_arm_controller, and visualize the robot in RViZ. This controller uses position_command_interface, and will put the robot into joint position mode.

If you don’t have an real robot connected, you can test with the simulated hardware:

ros2 launch flexiv_bringup robot_sn:=dont-care use_fake_hardware:=true

which will use the mock_components simulated hardware interface instead of flexiv_hardware for real robot.


This package contains custom ros2_control controllers and broadcasters. For example, the joint_impedance_controller converts joint motion inputs to torque outputs.


This package contains xacro files to generate URDF with accurate kinematics but approximated dynamics parameters, as well as mesh files for visualization. In addition, it contains a launch file that visualizes the robot without accessing a real robot:

ros2 launch flexiv_description gui:=true


This package contains the gripper action server to interface with the gripper that is connected to the robot.

Start the flexiv_gripper_node with the following launch file:

ros2 launch flexiv_gripper robot_sn:=[robot_sn]

Or, start the gripper control with the robot driver if the gripper is Flexiv Grav:

ros2 launch flexiv_bringup robot_sn:=[robot_sn] load_gripper:=true

In a new terminal, send the gripper action move goal to open or close the gripper:

# Closing the gripper
ros2 action send_goal /flexiv_gripper_node/move flexiv_msgs/action/Move "{width: 0.01, velocity: 0.1, max_force: 20}"
# Opening the gripper
ros2 action send_goal /flexiv_gripper_node/move flexiv_msgs/action/Move "{width: 0.09, velocity: 0.1, max_force: 20}"

The grasp action enables the gripper to grasp with direct force control, but it requires the mounted gripper to support direct force control. Send a grasp command to the gripper:

ros2 action send_goal /flexiv_gripper_node/grasp flexiv_msgs/action/Grasp "{force: 0}"

To stop the gripper, send a stop service call:

ros2 service call /flexiv_gripper_node/stop std_srvs/srv/Trigger {}


This package contains the flexiv_hardware plugin needed by ros2_control. The plugin is passed to the controller manager via the robot_description topic, and provides for each joint:

  • position state interface: measured joint position.

  • velocity state interface: measured joint velocity.

  • effort state interface: measured joint torque.

  • position command interface: desired joint position.

  • velocity command interface: desired joint velocity.

  • effort command interface: desired joint torque.


This package contains the configuration for MoveIt 2. The planning group of the manipulator is called rizon_arm. The joint values for the Home pose configuration is [0, -40, 0, 90, 0, 40, 0] (deg).

The planning group of the gripper is called grav_gripper. The joint values for the Open pose configuration is [0.1] (m), and for the Close pose configuration is [0.0] (m).


This package contains messages for the measured or estimated information of the robot.


This package contains the demo nodes for the examples in Demos. This package is adapted from ros2_control_test_nodes.


To run the MoveIt example with the real robot:

ros2 launch flexiv_bringup robot_sn:=[robot_sn]

You should be able to use the MotionPlanning plugin in RViZ to plan and execute motions with the robot.

To run MoveIt with the simulated hardware:

ros2 launch flexiv_bringup robot_ip:=dont-care use_fake_hardware:=true


This section provides examples with the executable nodes in the flexiv_test_nodes package.

Mode switching demo

First start the robot with the default rizon_arm_controller:

ros2 launch flexiv_bringup robot_sn:=[robot_sn]

Then load joint_impedance_controller and switch to it:

ros2 control load_controller joint_impedance_controller --set-state configured
ros2 control switch_controllers --deactivate rizon_arm_controller --activate joint_impedance_controller

The robot will stop joint position control and start joint torque control.

To start joint_impedance_controller directly, run the launch file with an additional argument robot_controller:=joint_impedance_controller.


  1. To list all available and claimed hardware interfaces, use command: ros2 control list_hardware_interfaces.

  2. To list all loaded controllers, use command: ros2 control list_controllers.

Joint position control

First start the robot with rizon_arm_controller:

ros2 launch flexiv_bringup robot_sn:=[robot_sn] robot_controller:=rizon_arm_controller

Then in a new terminal run the test program to send joint position commands to the controller:

ros2 launch flexiv_bringup

After a few seconds, the robot joints will move to the position goals defined in flexiv_bringup/config/joint_trajectory_position_publisher.yaml

Joint impedance control

First start the robot with joint_impedance_controller:

ros2 launch flexiv_bringup robot_sn:=[robot_sn] robot_controller:=joint_impedance_controller


The command starts the robot in the joint torque mode. In this mode, gravity and friction are compensated only for the robot without any attached objects (e.g. the gripper, camera).

Then in a new terminal run the test program to send joint torque commands to the controller:

ros2 launch flexiv_bringup

The robot will run a sine-sweep motion from the current joint positions using impedance control.


The gains used in joint_impedance_controller are only for demo purpose, and can be changed in flexiv_bringup/config/rizon_controllers.yaml.